AIM Log between Bill and Justice Lady

Feb 10, 2008 20:36

Justitia: Yes. He functions as if they are alive and well, only he does not see them, nor does he hear them. He begins to feel his own emtions instead of being clouded by theirs being forced on him. See it as a vacation of sorts. One where clarity of mind is imperitive for his furthering his life.

Bill: Well... I probably just won't do anything for those days. Sure they can show their reactions to me then but that doesn't mean there won't be hell to pay afterwards. It's not real. It's not worth it.

Justitia: it is real. And it is more than worth it. If at the end of three days they cause you more problems, I could always steal you away and make you my pet... *smirks*

Bill: Your pet? And I gaurentee you, if I try to change any part of my life now, if I try to step away from Hope if I do anything? Hell will break out and it's not worth it. Just let me be numb, huh? I don't care about peace.

Justitia: You need to understand that she cannot make your life hell. Only you do that, by your choices. If you honestly do not wish for the gift, I will not force it upon you. But it may be your last chance for happiness.

Bill: Trust me, everyone can make my life hell. How can I say I don't want the gift? I don't even understand the goddamn gift!

Justitia: You're not meant to understand it. It's one of those God-like aspect-ly things. *shrugs*

Bill: How the fuck can that bring about happiness to me then? A guy has to understand his own happiness

Justitia: You cannot know happiness without Balance! It's IMPOSSIBLE. I offer you three days to FIND the balance. After the three days, if you choose Hope and the life she's FORCING you into, then so be it. You will have made the choice in the most balanced way possible. If you choose to leave for your own happiness, then so be it! Again, you will have made the choice in the most balanced way possible. As of now, you aren't even making a CHOICE, you are simply letting someone who has her own best interests at heart guide your path. You owe her nothing. And yet, you're giving her everything out of some sense of duty.

Bill: She waited for me to grow up 10 years! I do owe her! And I owe Snake! Snake put himself in danger to fight for me so many times. Am I going to repay him by breaking his daughter's heart? Fuck no. He made that abundantly clear. *shakes head* You aren't taking away the consequnces. You're just delaying them a little while. That changes nothing from right now. That adds no more balance.

Justitia: She could have waited a hundred years and you still would owe her nothing. And people fight for people all the time without expecting anything in return. He'd rather you kill your spirit that he's fought to save? Because that is what you're doing. You'll find some sense of happiness, I'm sure. False, and not worth the time you've put into it... Fine. Go live your pathetic life, but when you're 35 and wondering what happened to your life, don't you dare sqall about the injustice in life and how god damned unfair everything is.

Bill: I don't know, okay. I don't know. *sighs* Can't you make it so they can't see me either? That would actually take some pressure off and change things. Otherwise? Making be blind and deaf to a few people? It's really not going to change a thing.

Justitia: I was serious about taking you away, you know. If you thought it would help, I would take you to my home and let you figure it out there. You could even remain in school

Bill: How would that help? They'll be mad at me for leaving then. And what do I have to figure out? You still haven't explained that to me. And where do you live? And what makes me more special than all of the other people who are suffering injustice in the world?

Justitia: They couldn't find you. You could say you'd been kidnapped by an aspect. They couldn't possibly be angry. I could set things so that none of them could break you away. It would mean you'd be my pet, but that word means so little to me. It would mean I would take care of you while you were in my care. *tilts her head* You really don't know? You've broken someone who had started to care for you for the woman that cares only for herself. *laughs* I live on a small island in the Tropic of Cancer. *smirks* So many questions. What makes you think I am taking a special interest in only you? What makes you think I've not gone to a million people today? I do not offer all gifts, but sometimes a kind word is all someone needs to find balance.

Bill: Have you offered all those people a place in your home? What about my brothers and sister? Could they come visit? Can I play baseball there? Would you explain it to my mom? *tilts head* Who have I broken? I don't get it?

Justitia: Some I have. I even have given rooms to a few. If you so choose, they would be more than welcome. *laughs* I daresay there are others who would enjoy playing baseball as well. Yes, I could explain it to your mother, and even offer her time to come see you if you'd like. *lowers her eyes* That was... unkind of me to say. It's not my problem, as she also threw things off-balance.

Bill: That would be okay. She's kind of a demi-god. She probably knows you exist. But could you make it sound like you're whisking me away against my will? *furrows brow* Who are you talking about?

Justitia: I would imagine most know I exist. Even if they do curse me. *laughs softly* I could, of course. I'll make it sound very good. *shakes her head* No. I've said too much already.

Bill: Why would someone curse Justice? *shrugs* Okay, I'll be your pet or whatever. As long as I still get to go to school and play baseball. I have to keep my baseball scholarship.

Justitia: Because they feel I am not doing my job? I promise, you can still go to school and play baseball. When would you like to come?

Bill: I don't know. I have to pack and stuff. And you said you'd talk to my mom. Once I'm there, what will you make me do? Will you help me and stuff? Will I have chores?

Justitia: I will speak with your mother. *smiles* Whatever you choose to do. If you would like to help out around the house, you may, or there will be any number of things for you to do. I have television, video games, phones... anything you could want, it is there. If it is not, you need only ask for it and it will be yours. I will help you in any way you like. I'm a very good listener most days.

Bill: Well that sounds okay. You said other people would be there so I'd have people to hang around with. And you. I like you for some reason even if you are incredibly frusturating. I would totally help you however I could. You live on an island... is there surfing?

Justitia: Yes, there are other people. *laughs* I'm incredibly frustrating? Haven't spent much time around Gods, have you? I'm mild compared to most. Thank you, Bill. I'll appreciate any help you offer. *grins* there's amazing surfing. Perfect waves. I'd have no less.

Bill: Not really. I mean technically my grandfather is Zeus but I'm adopted so I didn't inherit any of his god-ness and I've never met him. I mean I know Apollyon okay and Hope but that's about it. *nods* Cool. I guess I'm ready now to be your pet, why not. Want to come and meet my mom?

Justitia: *smiles* Yes, I can do so. I'd be pleased to meet her.
Heaven427: Bill: Alright, cool. I don't live far from her. *tilts head a little, probably the closest he'll do to smiling til gets sure of himself again* Do I get a packing list?

Justitia: Bring what you like. Or nothing. As I said, all you need will be provided.

Bill: Okay. Well I'll bring some things. Thanks.

justice lady

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