Aug 07, 2006 02:03
It's late... almost 2 a.m. I can't fall asleep because basically I spent all day laying around. I woke up with the worst headache and couldn't function most of the day. It's just the worst. I watched my Tigers win 1-0 and then decided that I would attempt to take a nap and see if it would go away. It did... at least somewhat. I was more functionable at least afterwards. But now I can't sleep. Plus I want to get up to work out at 8am tomorrow, well, be at the gym by that time, and I don't think I'm going to make it if I can't fall asleep soon.
So I'm here, writing, because I always want to write, I just never take the time to open this up and actually write. Plus my days are pretty mundane that I feel like I'm punishing people if they read them. Afterall, that's what Pete is around for... listening to my boring stories about my day. poor Pete, I don't know how he hasn't run away yet!
Did I tell you all that I received my acceptance into Grad school? It's not quite the same as getting that letter into college for undergraduate. Maybe it's because it's not a program that I'm completely dead set on... but it's what I'm going to do, because right now there isn't a Plan B. So I got the letter... but with no further instructions. No idea who to talk to, what classes to take, or anything. Maybe I did write about this already? Eh, I don't remember. Anyway, skip it if you've heard this already. So I managed to find an advisor's name in the College of Education and emailed him asking what I'm supposed to do. Apparently there is an orientation meeting on the twenty somethingth of August. Well great, that's when I'm supposed to be in Europe. So I set up a meeting with him for this Wednesday so hopefully I can figure out what I need to take. I did find a pamphlet that they sent me awhile back with the general courses... so I started looking into the scheduling of those and I think I can arrange it so I have 12 credits and classes are only mon-wed. But I'll have to talk to this guy to figure out if there is a certain order that I need to take these in and if there is a certain course I definetly should be taking this semester that I may not have enrolled for. I guess I'll just have to wait and see!
So that's the plan for the fall. Grad school. Two more years. I actually know when I'll be done now. Two years... May of 2008. That means that when I graduate, I'll have been going to college since august of 1999... so about nine years... but I did take a year and a half off when I graduated undergrad to figure things out... so at least it's not nine years straight, and it wasn't all full time. So I try to convince myself that it's better. But it also means that I haven't been earning enough money to really substantially pay back my loans either. At least while I've been in school they are in deferment. Hopefully I can get a job when I graduate to start paying back these crazy arse loans with their crazy arse interest because I never got around to refinancing and making them cheaper.
In two weeks from today I leave for Europe. My mom and I are going to Spain and then Italy for my cousins wedding. It will be fun. I'm really excited. I know that I'm going to miss Pete a ton... especially at the wedding, but at least that is at the tail end of the trip so I know that I'll be flying back to him real soon afterwards!
We are going to fly into London and then directly down to Barcelona. We are there for 5 days and then we fly to Madrid where we stay for 4 days. After that we fly to Florence where we are in the city for one night, and then go out to Barberino in Tuscany for the wedding. We stay out there for three days, and then that monday we fly back up to London and back to the US of A. I'm getting excited to go overseas and also a bit nervous. There is a lot I need to start looking into. If any of you have been to Barcelona and can think of some great things to go and do or see, please let me know! I've been to Madrid, but not since I was in high school, so wow... like ten years ago... so I need to look up what I did while I was there too. I'm the tour guide so I need to figure it all out pretty soon.
Florence is pretty much taken care of.... get Gelato... that's all I need. I love Italy. It's my favorite country that I've visited so far. It's just so nice and friendly. It helps that I'm Italian, so I feel a little bit at home while I'm there. Or maybe I just love the Gelato?
Well, I think it's time to end this lovely entry, try sleeping again.. and then hopefully get up, work out, shower, and then work a double at work. We'll see what happens. Wish me luck!