I just spent hours of my life reading all of Vampire Knight and let me just say that those were hours not wasted.
Let me just get this out of the way so that I can breathe properly.
There. I've said it. The horrible, ugly truth. I could seriously gush about his character forever. He is absolutely brilliant. He's a little creepy, a little edgy, but then he's this incredibly awesome person who, just when I think he's going to do something truly evil and be finally painted as THE BAD GUY, he turns around and does just the opposite and I can't help but love him more. I never thought he would let Zero drink his blood (and gawd was that scene hot) and he's always coming to someone's rescue. Best of all, he doesn't push. He says that he and Yuuki are engaged and are to be married, but then he adds on "if she'll still have me" on the end. That's what clenches it for me. If he were truly the bad guy, he'd be controlling people left and right. I don't pretend he doesn't manipulate (ie. Zero) but he usually has a reason for doing it (whether it be to protect Yuuki or the other students). And besides, if I had super awesome vampiric powers, I'd be using them, too.
What I think is also telling about his character is that he took Yuuki to live with the Chairman. He didn't reveal himself to her then as her brother, he let her go on living a sheltered life just as her parents wanted. That to me spells GOOD GUY. Also, I think his commented that he really respected the Chairman is something important, because I think the Chairman is more than what he seems.
So, I'm not sure what fandom in general thinks of Kaname, but I absolutely adore him. That's not to say that I ship him with Yuuki, though it is kind of sweet. How cute is Kaname and Yuuki as children? OMG. ♥ I'm pretty sure fandom is more for Zero with respect to shipping, which I can definitely see. However, Zero comes off as a little... passive to me. He sort of just stood there, bored, when Yuuki had her big confession that she loved Kaname, and then Kaname turns around and asks her to be his lover. I was waiting for him to have some sort of reaction and it never came. And yet he almost kissed Yuuki and Kaname is sure that Zero is also in love with Yuuki. I just don't feel that it's real for Zero yet. I don't feel it, I guess you could say. The writers haven't made me believe yet. I do, however, think that Zero/Yuuki is where it's all headed. I think Kaname will either die by the end or, because he's so awesome, he'll let Yuuki go because he loves her.
And oh my gawd how awesome are Haruka and Juuri? DUDE. I could write oodles about them. Seriously. What I'm a little sketchy on is whether Kaname is really their son? They seemed to be hinting that Kaname wasn't really theirs but I was confused on that part. I think the translations I was reading weren't very clear on what was happening.
Zero. The broody, angsty, good-looking guy wielding a pistol. I do like Zero. I get a little tired of his "I hate vampires, yadda, yadda, yadda" because DUDE, you ARE one, find something else to gripe about. His angst tires me a little, but I do like him. And I'm pretty sure he's going to be THE GUY. (I always end up liking the guy the girl doesn't end up with. Remember Yuki from Fruits Basket? Yup. That was me.)
You know, what really intrigues me is Zero's statement that it's Kaname that Yuuki needs, not him. And he said it so plainly, without any sort of pained expression. Curious. See? There's that passive thing again.
Whew. I'm still a little overwhelmed. I just got caught up with the manga series about half and hour ago. I also really like the guy that got possessed - what's his name? Senki? Something like that? I also like Kaname's bodyguard girl. She's awesome.
Uhm. Also. The art. SO PRETTY. Everyone's hair is so amazing. ♥
I'm pretty sure those are all the coherent thoughts I have right now.
lemonyloyce, you two were reading this series, too, right? We need to chat so I can start figuring out what the hell I just read? ☆ Anyone reading this fabulous series? Thoughts? Favorites?