Tsubasa 166 has broken my heart IN A GOOD WAY. ♥ Afterwards all I could think was EPIC LOVE SCENE. 'Cause seriously, it totally is.
You could also think NEVER LET GO or maybe NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND.
I'm still a little confused about Fai's myriad of curses but I'm glad they seem to be over now, except, you know, that little thing about him getting closer to DEATH every time he uses magic. I get the sense that we are nearing the end of the series and, surprisingly, I'm good with it. I love it to death but I'm also ready to see how it ends. I mean, they're all suitably maimed now, surely it's time to get our game on? ★
hang_nga_79 I need to get you hooked on this series so we can spam each other with ficlets.