Some lovely person sent me an LJ certificate today and I got a little teary when I realized it was anonymous. It always moves me when people do kind things for absolute no reason, because honestly, I can't think of a reason why I would deserve such a gift. Whoever it was, thank you very, very much. I almost don't want to use it as it's the gesture itself that overwhelms me. Thank you. ♥
That is really the whole reason for this post, but I suppose I aught to mention some other things about this weekend as well. Such as I haven't actually gotten dressed since Friday. Pajamas are my new fashion statement, apparently. Either that or my bath robe. It's so nice not to have to be anywhere or do anything so I'm enjoying this weekend by watching anime and movies and writing and cooking and sleeping. I'm actually in the middle of Seven Years In Tibet as we speak and I had forgotten that Mako was in it and now I'm all nostalgic for Avatar. I'm going to have to go read fic later, methinks.
lemonyloyce, I have to talk to you about Darker Than Black. We finally have Yin backstory and Hei & Yin interaction. I'm so excited I can barely wait for the next episode. In my slackerness, I also caught up with the Bleach manga and I'm intrigued by Ulquiorra's fight with Ichigo.
There's this one page in 272, I believe, where Ichigo is down and Ulquiorra just stares at him and there's like three panels with a closeup of Ulquiorra's eye. Immediately afterwards Ulquiorra turns his back on Ichigo and let's him live, tells him to get out of there if he can still move, he's lost. Now, we know that Ulquiorra did not kill Ichigo when he first met him either, and but this second time really puzzles me. Did Aizen order Ulquiorra not to kill Ichigo? Or is there something going on with Ulquiorra, that he keeps from finishing off Ichigo? And why the close up of Ulquiorra's eye? Was Ulquiorra recording that moment or was it to show that Ulquiorra was thinking deeply about something? I find it very, very interesting, especially in light of Ulquiorrra's look to Orihime when he finds her with Grimmjaw and she looks down as if she's feeling guilty about something. That whole scene has undercurrents in it. Why can't Orihime meet his eyes? It's brilliant storytelling and I can't wait for the answers.
hang_nga_79, we need to fangirl about this because I'm all a-bubble with theories!
I even had to go and make a new Ulqui icon, out of my deep and abiding love for him. ♥ There's an Ulquiorra & Ichigo one I want to make too because their fight was all sorts of pretty.
Sadly, because I have been a slug for the past two days, I'm all caught up on my anime except for Heroic Age, which I'm not that excited to watch since there's a distinct lack of Iolaus. I suppose I should watch it anyway, just so I know what's going on later. Seriously need more anime to watch.
EDIT: Ahahaha, I made it. It looks like one of those icons that should have "SURPRISE BUTTSECHS" on it.