Obligatory Anime Post

Apr 18, 2007 18:56

Okay, Bakumatsu. I love you, I really do, but for the love of peanut butter and jelly PLEASE SPEED UP BEFORE I HAVE A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN. I'm all set for the GIGANTIC showdown at Ezo but it's taking so. freaking. long. to get there I might actually sleep through it. The series suddenly slowed way down on its character building and so Akizuki and Yuuyama are just sort of wandering around, angsting about each other. CAN WE SAY HEERO AND RELENA? Pretty soon they'll just start randomly saying each other's names while looking into the distance. Oh, wait.

Having said this, I'd be more excited about the end if I felt more of a connection between the two main characters. They started out great but now that they're apart I feel like they didn't have enough time to make me really care about their fate. Which hurts me bad because they're going to have this awesome showdown and I want to literally ache when they realize they're on opposite sides. (Which, by the way, I wondering how they'll resolve since I think it'll be pointless for Akizuki to kill Yuuyama. They've made a big point that he's upset about not being able to protect whats-his-face. So I hope there's this BIG SURPRISE ENDING that blows me out of the water.)

Yuuyama is freaking awesome with her sword. She needs more love. ♥


Romeo x Juliet, PLEASE TO BE GIVING ME BYAKUYA TYBALT. ♥ I'm interested in Conrad and Curio now. (Conrad's the blonde guy, right?) Curio's voice is like pure smex, I swear. But I REALLY want to see Tybalt, because he's going to have Byakuya's VA. (Thank you, nutty_scribbler!) Plus he's freaking hot. cal_renfro, have you watched the pretty ponies, yet? ☆

INORI ~ YOU RAISE ME UP ~ by Lena Park
(Because you know you want it.)

Not really anime related, but Tsubasa has easily become my most favorite manga ever. I'll be lucky to have any pieces of my heart left after finishing it. HURTS ME SO BAD IT'S GOOD.

series: tsubasa, [anime], series: romeoxjuliet, fangirling, series: bakumatsu

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