So. In an effort to avoid thinking about the drama in my life, I'm going to talk about all the other, unimportant things I should be doing - like video gaming and writing fanfiction - and this will hopefully allow me to forget that with my forensic anthropology background I could get rid of my boss and never be caught. ♥ (findahappyplace, findahappyplace)
finish blooming_cosmo's birthday present
post contest entry for ten_squared tomorrow
vacuum and clean Hermy's tank
close the dang poll at ichi_ruki
make pretties for lemonyloyce
shoot more things in Dirge of Cerberus
send in application for the investigative job
pay rent on Friday
go to Walmart today because you need food
call Angela for her belated birthday
invite Shannon to go out to eat
blow dust off your novel and get to work
crystaltear, everything about the community project sounds great! Late November into December would be perfect and we can work out all the details when we get closer to the timeframe. ♥ I'm excited!