Cat Behavior

Jun 15, 2008 09:58

I have a cat, and I wondered what some of her behaviors meant. I did some research on understanding cat behavior, and I am going to post it here. This research is from several different articles. It really helped me figure out the things my cat is telling me.

Common cat behaviors and there meanings google_ads_frame frame end
One of your cat's unique characteristics is purring. At one time, it was believed that the purring sound came from the throat. It is now believed that
purring results from a vibration in the wall of one of the major blood vessels in the chest. These vibrations, transmitted to your cat's upper air passages,
result in a purring sound. Cats start purring when they are kittens and most of them purr when they are secure, content, or sleeping. However, some cats
may purr when they are ill or frightened.

Pleasure purring: In general purring has been associated as an expression of pleasure, or also as a form of communication with their young. Often a contented cat will purr on an owner's lap, and usually that means you have a happy cat at the moment!

Self-healing purrs: Something puzzling is that cats also sometimes purr under stress or when recovering from an injury. Scientists are beginning to find that this is because purring seems to actually improve their healing process! Various studies showed an improvement in bone density during purring and it also seemed to promote overall healing.

Kneading is the motion a kitten first makes instinctively when he is nursing from his mother. It consists of pressing first one, then the other, front
paw against the mother's tummy. Many cats continue to do this as they grow into adulthood. It is usually a sign of contentment and affection and is often
accompanied by purring. In lieu of the mother cat, your cat will knead anything soft, such as your favorite sweater, comforter, pillow, your lap, or even
your hair.

Claw "Sharpening"
A common misconception is that cats "scratch" to sharpen their claws; however, they are merely satisfying the instinct to stretch and "clean" their claws.
Another reason cats "scratch" is to mark their territory. They mark their territory in two ways, one by leaving a visible sign of claw marks and two
by leaving their scent, which is released from glands between their paw pads. Your cat will try to satisfy this biological urge regularly and if his scratching
post is convenient, he'll leave your furniture alone. If you're having trouble getting your cat to use the post, try rubbing catnip on it to make it more

The house cat, whether purebred or mixed breed, has many characteristics common with his wilder cousins such as the lynx or leopard. You have only to watch
a cat pouncing on a moving leaf to recognize the similarity between him and a tiger pouncing on his prey in the wild. Keeping this similarity in mind,
you can see why your cat does certain things, because they are instinctive.

Body Language
Your cat uses body language almost exclusively to communicate. Watching how your cat carries herself will help you understand how she's feeling. As you
learn, you'll be able to predict her behavior as well. A cat's eyes, ears, and tail all give you clues to what your cat is feeling and thinking.
Unlike humans, a cat's ears are very mobile. This allows a cat to communicate with their ears quite easily. Basic ear positions can alert you to whether
your cat is relaxed, alert, defensive, agitated or aggressive. The pupils of the eyes also convey part of a cat's message. They contract or dilate to
indicate mood. Below are descriptions and illustrations of the different ear poses and eye positions:
When a cat's ears are up (pricked), forward and slightly outward this means the cat is content, relaxed and carefully listening to what is going on around
them. Here the slanted eyes and regularly sized pupils also indicate contentment.
When something catches a cat's attention the ears become more erect and the cat is alert and ready to investigate the source of the noise. The eyes become
slightly wider indicating alertness.
If a cat becomes anxious or fearful, the ears will point to the sides and flatten. The more anxious the cat is the flatter her ears will become. The pupils
are now dilated indicating fear.
When a cat becomes annoyed and feels defensive he will turn his ears back. This should be a warning to you to get back. The eyes confirm this warning with
the dilation of the pupils.
When a cat becomes both fearful and aggressive and is ready to fight he will flatten his ears straight back. It is believed cats pin their ears back in
order to protect them during a fight. The eyes are now greatly dilated since the more fearful the cat the greater the pupils dilate.
A cat's tail acts as an extension of its thoughts, an indicator of its mood and a warning of intention. . The tail is an important tool for communicating
with other cats and with humans. Listed below are various tail positions and their meanings:
When a cat carries his tail high and straight up in the air it means he is proud and content. A mother cat's upright tail is a signal for her kittens
to follow her.
When a cat is relaxed, confident and alert, it walks with its tail horizontally behind it or even slightly drooping. You may also see this tail position
when your cat is on the prowl or stalking.
When a cat is very excited and happy to greet its owner he will hold his tail straight in the air and it will quiver or twitch. This is the cat's way of
saying he is so pleased to see you that he is overcome with emotion.
If a cat is friendly but cautious of the other cat or person, the upright tail is hooked over at the tip indicating a degree of uncertainty.
When a cat is fearful and feels seriously threatened he will exhibit what looks like an upright bottle brush (or puffy) tail. This indicates that the cat
has become defensively aggressive; meaning it would rather get away, but if provoked it will defend itself
When a cat swishes its tail from side to side this may indicate real or mock annoyance. It may also be a playful warning saying "I'm going to get you, so
look out!" The more emotionally charged the cat is the faster the tail will swish.
When a cat is content the tail will swish back and forth very slowly

Cats also communicate with humans and each other through vocalization. Not all meows mean the same thing. There are subtle and not so subtle differences
in a cat's cry that help clue you in on what your cat needs or feels. The basic meow must be interpreted in the content of the situation. It could mean,
"I want out," Where's my dinner?", or "Will you please get up now, I'm bored."
A call is when a female chirps or howls mournfully when she is in heat and is seeking a male companion. There is no mistaking this sound once you have
heard it. A chirr is a "rolled" variation of meow that would be similar to a human rolling their R's. Mother cats use this to call to their kittens.
It is also a sign of affection and may be used by a cat to call its owner when it is lonely. Growling, a quiet, low pitched, tone deep in the throat,
or hissing indicate that the cat wants you to leave him alone. Hissing is one of the first warning calls of a cat to tell their opponent to back off.
When a cat hisses at you, slowly move away from the cat and do not turn your back to it.

Other behaviors and meanings

Kitty kiss: If a cat is in a relaxed mood and it gives you a blink - it slowly closes the eyes and then opens them, then you have been kitty kissed! According to many cat owners, this is the equivalent of a friendly cat greeting, smile, nod or kiss!

Half-closed happiness: When cats are relaxed and content, often they will close their eyes partway. Generally if a cat is on your lap with half-closed eyes, that means the cat is feeling relaxed and content and maybe a little sleepy too - but overall, it means the cat most likely likes the way you are petting!

Tummy rubs = trust: A cat's underside - the chest and belly are vulnerable areas they want to protect, and in defense a cat may lay back in order to defend better with all four paws. If a cat is lying back many cats will attack your hand if you attempt to pet an exposed belly... however if they allow you to, that conveys happiness, comfort and that they trust you to be gentle and kind with a vulnerable part of themselves.

Love licking: Cats lick each other to groom each other as well as bond with other cats they know very well. Cats also lick their owners and other people for similar reasons - to 'groom' them, and show care and affection. So if your cat, or another person's cat decides to lick your hand, that doesn't mean you smell like tunafish - it means they may like you!

Sandpaper tongues: Many cat owners like it when their cats lick them, but not for too long - cat tongues are very rough, like sandpaper! The little jagged bumps help catch loose hair, skin and fleas (if they have any!)

You belong to your cat: A cat will often rub along an arm or leg of a person. This could have many meanings... it could be a way to attract them for petting, playing, food or attention. It could also be that they are 'marking' the person. Cats have scent glands around the mouth that they will subtly use to mark the person as their territory.
Cats rub each other too, as a friendly greeting and to mark each other for easy recognition in the future! They also rub on furniture, trees, an all kinds of objects... that means they are marking all these items... marking it "mine!"

Reading Your Cat's Body Language
When the tail is flying high: "all is terrific."
When it is at half-mast: "all is not terrific."
When it is dropped low: "I'm very unhappy."
When it twitches back and forth: "back off."
When the tip twitches: "I'm self conscious."
When it's bushy: "I'm angry!"
Embarrassment: Rapid, non-stop licking.
OK: Short staccato licks looking at you.
Boredom: Constant, deep intense licks.
Nervousness: Short, shallow licks.
Affection: The cat licks you. A good time to train.
Ears alert/straight up: Ready for fun or affection.
Ears flat out sideways: "What's up?"
Ears downward: "I'm defensive. Watch out!"
Ears down and back: "I'm furious. Watch out!"
Paw kneading: "I'm content."
Paw strokes, Paw hugs: "I love you."
Paw nagging: "Hurry up!"
Paw blows:" A fight!"
Eyes wide open and looking at you: "I'm listening."
Eyes half closed: "I'm sleepy."
Eye pupils in slits: "I'm feeling alert and confident."
Bug-eyed: "I'm frightened.".so be careful!
Blinking and winking: "I'm talking to you, I like you."
Eyes clouded: "I'm ill." Or, "I'm relaxed."
Eyes staring: "Stay away." A stare is a challenge.
Advice: Take a few minutes every day to have a conversation with your cat. The sound of your voice will help your cat become responsive and friendly.
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