Lol it's a screencap, no spoilers~
(you can watch it here)Where it says 'original footage provided by', that means a 16 year old boy who spent hours and hours trying to figure out how to rip the footage out of the hacked game file, then how to rip the audio out, then synch it himself, then upload it to youtube, having to travel between two different houses several times in the middle of the night to use separate computers.
'Translations by' means a girl who had spent all day at work, came home dead tired, nagged the aforementioned 16 year old boy online until he set audio to the video, then spent two hours translating it by ear, seeing as there were no Japanese subtitles to read, while trying to control freaking out about the content itself. Emotionally and physically drained, this girl was reduced to dry sobbing and near-hysteria, spazzing out to anyone who happened to be online at 1:30 in the morning. She then went to work the next day, where she tripped over twice and dropped a crate of shampoo on her foot because she could hardly see straight.
'Subtitles by' refers to a girl who stayed up until at least 7:30 in the morning getting the subtitles in and working, being patient with her nagging and demanding translator, then fighting evil codexes and other things all on her own far into the night as the other lazy two had crawled into bed.
It's a story I wanted to tell, because it was the fucking hardest, most pressurised thing I have ever translated, and it has given me the biggest most swelling, bright feeling so far. The novels are hard, but that's more like a long jog; I LOVE hearing people say 'this made my day' when they read anything I've done, but this is different. This was hard like a sprint for your life. I wanted for us to be the first people to have it up and translated more than anything else, and we were. Over 115000 views. And that's not counting the clone-versions people have stolen and posted under other names. Even if no-one has any idea it was us who did it, who we are, it's just an amazing feeling. I tear up, I feel my heart pounding in my throat whenever I see it. We helped over 115000 people. FUCK YEAH!!
And it's cemented in my heart, more than anything else has so far, that I want to do this. Novels, movies, games, manga, even for the fucking government--I want to do this. The feeling of building bridges over the language barrier... the feeling of seeing people enjoying something because I helped them to... I can't describe it. I want to know how it feels when it's official. I want to know what seeing my phrases being spoken by official voice actors feels like. What my words on the printed page, under the official logo feels like. I'll never be talented or creative or exciting enough to build the cities, but I can build the bridges between them. I CAN. I do now. I want to do it for real.
I got into the University course I wanted to. Bachelor of Language and Linguistics, three years full time. I didn't go for studying education, the safe path.
Maybe I'll fail horribly. Maybe I'll fail at Uni, maybe I'll fail at trying to get employed, maybe I'll get employed and be a magnificent failure there. Who knows? But I know I have to try.
Fortunate Son got me that far. BbS pushed me over the edge--I'm really going to do this.
So, that will begin this year. I have a lot of worries and doubts; I'm not very confident, I don't keep all my promises, I'm not interesting or particularly clever, and I don't look all that good physically. I don't know how my family will be without me, I don't know if I'll make friends, I don't know if I'll cope with class, I don't know I don't know. But... I've survived a couple of stressful things before. Doesn't mean I will this time, but I'm trying not to think that way.
Thank you, fandom. Especially certain people, but you know who you are. You've helped this scatter-brained weeabo figure out what she wants to do with her life. ♥