A Sweet Courtship - Chp. 6

Feb 05, 2012 19:41

Title: A Sweet Courtship Chp. 6
Author: nyghtrain
Pairing: Sanzo/Hakkai
Fandom: Saiyuki
Theme: #6. The space between dream and reality
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Saiyuki and its characters do not belong to me, but are owned by Kazuya Minekua and her publishers. I'm just playing in their world.
Notes: Sorry for the huge delay on getting this out. Life has been busy, but very exciting. From this point on, I plan to at least get a chapter out a month if not more. This chapter is incredibly short, but there's a lot going on if you look closely. The next chapter will be much longer. My beta is the wonderful  seshats_prodigy. <3 All mistakes are mine.

This was written for 30_kisses .

( A Sweet Courtship - Chapter 6)
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