May 18, 2007 21:18
I'm hungry. Hungry. Very hungry. There's no food. Didn't have much luck scavenging past few days.
Met a few interesting people.
Also Al...I'm so glad...Well, I'm glad we're together, but I'm not that you're here...if you get what I mean. I'd much rather have found you outisde this damn place.
ANd oooohhh...Colonel shithead. Noticed his journal entry. Although I don't really mind him being here [[deleted-->computer undeletes]]
I. Am. Pissed. And frustrated. Sorry Al...Well, we'll get there...or at least, out of here
In the meantime, I must get food.
[[ooc: Al-mun, Al has his body back? or not?]]
07 - food/al and roy's arrival