Whatever I Did... - [Communications] - [Day 15?]

May 10, 2010 11:11

Private to Tina Chapel

It seems I'm always apologizing to you. I'm sorry you had to witness the display at the theater the other night. I understand that this is not how we're supposed to work out problems here, though some people other than myself seem to have missed that memo as well.

Speaking of which, I'm not sorry about yesterday. I don't know what happened but I feel much better today and somewhat confused. I'm not at all confused about how wonderful you were and about having no regret for what happened. If you do, I am sorry for that. You're an incredible woman and you deserve a good time more than once in awhile. I'm sorry I ran out after but that wasn't exactly my doing. It certainly wasn't what I had in mind.

I hope this won't alter things between us for the worse. I know your reasons still stand and I will respect them. I hope we can remain friends.


Private to Dr. Noel
Dr. Noel,

I have no idea why I'm writing you instead of just being told where and when, but I guess this Vulcan idea of justice is to make me responsible for my own punishment or something. Seems they don't have anyone qualified to deal with messy human emotions though they were pretty adamant about finding their own way of dealing if I didn't make arrangements myself. So here I am. Can we make this quick? I don't need any psychoanalysis, I just want to do my time and be done with it.

James T. Kirk

Attached: Official sentence, consisting of community service and referral to Dr. Helen Noel for anger management

!helen noel, new vulcan, !nuchapel, communications

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