Dec 19, 2004 00:57
That's how long I have to finish everything left:
Pack dishes and food (they're now all sitting in my room, which helps a bit)
At least two more loads of laundry
Load car with remaining boxes/clothes/odds and ends
Clean room
Clean bathroom
Clean half of kitchen
Drop off key at TPM office
Sleep for preferrably at least seven hours
Ok, it doesn't seem so bad when I put it like that. It's the sleeping thing that's really hindering it all. That and the lj updating.... But I am le tired from work. (I got off at 12:15. WTF, mate?) My sales were for suck, but I got one credit. And now I'm off for two weeks! Woot!
Should I do laundry now or in the morning? Morning. I need to sleep now. I'll get up at 9. Yeah. I will. No, I will!
In other news, this mood icon does not look exhausted at all, but it does look sort of like I feel, and I feel exhausted. So combine them.