I'm not sure if this was brought on by my turning 29 this year or if it was a series of events that I have yet to completely comprehend but for the last three weeks or so, I've been reflecting upon my life, especially the last four years. I keep picking out these moments where I had a major decision to make and I committed an error in judgement. I can almost put myself back in that moment and see the very instant where I made the decision to go one way or another. And I regret those moments because I feel, with a certainty, that things would be better off had I another decision. I know it seems ridiculous but that feeling of almost absolute certainty just doesn't want to fade.
So, I'm kind of like at a rest stop...
...in my travels through this life. A place where I can look back at what has happened, the errors I've committed and possibly plot a new course for the things I would like to achieve. I want to do so many things... simple things... with my life. I know I can't get away from where I'm at for at least six months. But once I do that, if I keep my head on straight, I should be able to make a decision as to what I need to do next. I don't want life to keep passing me by and lose out on the opportunities that have been placed before me.
Its all within my grasp. I just have to manuever through these next few obstacles successfully in order to free myself. I just have to be patient.