May 02, 2013 23:01

Q: How do I join this community?
A: Click here to become a member. That's all, no questions or quizzes or pledges! ^^*

Q: When I click on your link to download a raw file, I get an "Access Denied" message.
A: That message occurs when you try to access a post that is friends-locked. You will need to join that community (or journal) first.

Q: How do softsubs work?
A: Both your video file and the softsub file must be in the same folder and have the same name, eg. filename.avi (video) and filename.ass (subs). Now, when you play the video, the subtitles should show up. If not, you will probably need to download a codec here. Here is a more detailed explanation of how to use softsubs. If you have any more problems, leave me a comment and I will try to help you figure it out.

Q: Can I use your translations to make subs in my own language/my fanvid?
A: Absolutely! In fact, I would be flattered. If you do so, please do the following:
 1) check that there's no special note or instruction in the post forbidding re-translations (there might be exceptions occasionally)
 2) include full credits - this means not only me but also anyone else I've listed as collaborators or sources
 3) please tell me where you'll be sharing your versions! I love to find out all the parts of the world my idols are popular in XD!

Q: Can I redistribute your subs on my own fansite/forums/community?
A: Do NOT reupload my files yourself. Since my entries are all public, just link to those - or even use my direct download links if you prefer! This will save you work, and help me keep track of downloads. :)

Q: Why don't you provide hardsubs?
A: I'm busy-and when I'm not busy, I'm lazy-and hardsubbing takes way more effort and time than softsubbing. Plus, softsubbing allows me to post everything publicly, and I like sharing as widely as possible.

Q: I'm dying to watch this video, can you sub it?
I don't take requests, but you're welcome to ask anyway... Who knows, maybe I was thinking of subbing it already and you showing interest in the video might push it up higher on my list of priorities!

Q: You are linking to my raw files and I am not okay with that! Stop it!
A: I'm sorry! :( Let me know and I will remove links ASAP.

Q: I have another question that's not addressed here.
A: You can ask me questions in a comment anywhere on this community (preferably in the post related to your question :p) and I will see it and try to answer you ASAP. I do have DMs set to friends only, so if you have a question you'd like to keep private, then you can ask it in this post. The comments are all screened, so no one will see but myself.


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