Nov 09, 2004 22:30
I always used to look down upon those persons in my classes--even from 2nd grade, when my first "assignment notebook" was introduced to me--who kept strict tally of projects, assignments and goals to do. You know the ones--the teacher's pets (even though I was oft a "pet" of many of my teachers, but I'm talking about the goody-goody right-on-target ones) who nerdily scribbled everything from homework to chores and activities into their little books, reminding themselves of what to do and when.
Then my memory began to fail me; no, I wasn't going senile quite yet, but I kept forgetting little appointments, losing track of wonderful ideas or things to do. Hell, Josh began to really eat me out for forgetting little things or losing track of what errand to do and when. He began leaving me post-its, I still managed to forget, my great ideas never went into fruition.....
So I became one of those who I used to look down upon--an agenda nerd. My little inspirational Flavia journal, purchased at Walmart for a coupla dollars, has become my new bestest friend. Checklists of chores, errands, ideas, things to do, things to feel--they all get scribbled into the "Notes" section; work schedules, my tanning / work-out schedule--these get put into the "Weekly, Day-by-Day" spot.
And yea...
I've become twice as efficient, and have seen why those who have always used paper and pen to help them through their days always managed to get along more smoothly than me. I always managed to fight my way through things, learning to improvise and go on-the-fly. And hell, I enjoy having those developed skills. However, I now have the profound discovery that keeping notes *can* indeed help me out quite greatly.
Hooray! ^_^
So yea... this has been a rather not-so-proclamatory journal entry. Also, my apologies for a lack of Halloween pictures--my caring boyfriend has not yet informed me how to post them in here, so any help until I get his aid would be very muchly appreciated. In the herein, you can click in my profile on the friend "casper" and scroll down to the Halloween pix he posted.
Quick update on everything else: Josh and I are getting along grandly, and (don't tell him this, shhh! ^_~) I feel as if we might be back together officially soon; I've begun a search for a second job and extra income so that I can go all-out this Xmas (I have some special things planned for my sweety, as well as him and I, and my friends and famille) and repair the damages done to our green civic (our brand-new awesome-ass stereo was torn out, along with the dashboard and climate control).
Enough journal posting. Blah. Caio! ^_~
~Gary A Naud~