Aug 02, 2004 04:47
As I was sitting here in boredom beneath the cool air flow of the AC unit in Joshua & my new apartment, I decided to venture into LiveJournal (I had to add it to my favorites on my account on Josh’s computer) and actually let the frequentees of the Blog Universe know what’s been going on in my life thus far…
Joshua Breister and I have been together for over eleven months now-within another 23 days we’ll have reached that one-year milestone that faggots find quite infrequently. I couldn’t be more pleased. Of course we have our problems like any other couple that has been together for sometime; sometimes I’m extremely aggravated with the things he does, as I am certain I aggravate him with my quirks, actions and unpleasantries. But we cope, love, and grow together, day by day.
High School has found its end, at long, sweet last, and that too has pleased me quite thoroughly. I move on to UWFDL with 15 credits in AP testing (those tests were a very good idea), and prepare to earn an Associates Degree in the next year and a half, while managing full-time work at Culver’s, and a busy, advancing lifestyle with my love, friends & family.
This year's political climate has been a perfect culture for my expanding political repetoire and experience, and I eagerly await further input for my future prospects to flourish when the time comes. Two years from now? 4? 6? Whenever I feel the water is ready for a swim, I shall jump in. I only hope my timing is right...
And the future stretches before me, bright, potential, and beautifully unpredectible, save what I see in my own mind's eye. My dreams are simple, my goals quite tangible: living with Joshua, perhaps even tying the not (legally as well, when times change); beginning my political career while continuing school; having kids and raising a beautiful, honest, strong family; contributing all that I, my prodigy, and my love can to society; dying a happy, satisfied old man (if I wind up having to die after all, despite my efforts to avoid it) with my lifetime love beside me;
discovering where it is we all end up, and, quite possibly, continuing my journey into that bright, potential, and beautifully unpredictable future.
The Beat Goes On
The Beat Goes on