
Dec 16, 2008 06:27

I just had the hottest Asian man,come up to me and ask me a question!!! I was like.... (o.o) :D~~~~~~~~~~

He had that Jrocker look to him. Longish hair. Pretty face.. He wanted to know where he could get video games (hahahha)

Anyway. Yesterday was so fun! Went to our clubs party for Junsu. We had a blast. Ate cake.. Before that though,Elena and I made sandwiches(before the others got there) Well.. I was stupid an put ham on mine. Bad bad bad Katie. For those of you who don't know. My body can't tolerate ham. Nope,never could.

So of course I was so sick the rest of the night. Horrible migraine and barfing everywhere,tummy still hurts Ah good times. The sandwich was good though :D

On another note. The annoying girl that sings the Christmas Carols through a megaphone is back...Joy.. (<.<)
And I was just shoving my mouth with muffin,when the hot Asian came back,and smiled at me.. Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeat.


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