Feb 27, 2011 20:08

Hi guys!!!

I'm very very super excited to let you know that I now have a .com! It's online and am ready to throw everything I've got into it.

I only have 2 pages I need to sort out (any ideas on how I should organise my Travel section would be RAD) but it's all up there.

If you have any ideas on how/where I can go about pimping my blog out and anything I could do to improve it please do let me know.

What will you find on it? Things I get up to in Melbourne. Reviews of gigs/movies/stores I find. Recipes I adore and want you to try! Travel tips and adventures I get up to (every still keeps asking me for advice 3 years after My Epic Trip so I figured I might as well write about them all!) and photographs. You will not find cranky rants (they are saved for here - lucky you!! :P)

If you do check it out, any advice on the writing of my entries would be sooo helpful. I've only ever written horrendous fan fiction, rants on lj and status updates on twitter and facebook. I might even see if I can ask someone to edit them before I publish them(?).

I've also decided that I'm going to take part in the 'writing for blogs' course at the CAE. Hopefully I'll gain some tips etc and make it awesome.

Please also tell all your friends about it!!

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