Nov 19, 2005 18:57
Wow! Katies Party Was So Much Fun...But I Am So Tired...We Went To Bed At 6:48 a.m. And Only Sleep For A Half Hour...When I Came Home I Slept For Three Hours Lol....But I Had Alot Of Fun There... Andrew Came...Everyone Watched Texas Chain Saw Massicor (Or How Ever U Spell It) Except For Me, Andrew, Katie, Brandon, And Lawrence...And Javon Asked Katie Back Out And When He Did It, It Was Sooooo Cute Because He Got Down On One Knee And Gave Her Two Pairs Of Earings, A Necklace, And A Bracelet...Its So Cute!! Lol....Lawrence Was Like Ya'll Watch Way To Much T.V. And Then Laura's Like Shut Up Lawrence Ur Ruining The Moment ...It Was Funny...
Who is the person who always IMs when you sign on? Rachel
Who is the person who always leaves you messages when you're away? Andrew And Rachel
Who is the person who is rich and not stuck up? KELLY!! lol
Who is the person who can tell a joke that is really retarded but you laugh anyway? Brianna
Who always gives you a hug when you are sad? Andrew Brianna Alissa And Becka
Who is the person who loves you for who you are? My Mom
Who is the person who you talk on the phone to a lot? Andrew
Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend? Andrew
Who is the most stupidest out of your friends? With Out A Doubt Brianna
Who swears the most? Um....Nick?
Who is your best guy friend who is in a diffrent grade? No One
Who is your best girl friend in a diffrent grade? No One
Who smells the best? Nick lol
Who talks The most? Umm..Probably Me Brianna Ashley And Jeri
Who is the most stuck up? No One
Who is the most prettiest? O God...WAYYYY To Many To Name...