Age: 20-21. Something around there.
Height: 5'2". However, he wears heels. So he's taller.
Weight: 110...ish? Maybe more? He's pretty tiny. INSANELY UNDERWEIGHT.
Medical Info: Genetically engineered. This isn't exactly clarified, so that's all that really needs to be put here. Assumed to be otherwise fairly normal.
Eyes: Brown? Maybe? Same as Simca's, at any rate.
Hair: Pink.
Physical traits: Pink hair that hangs in eyes, very good posture, wears sunglasses a lot, but you can see his eyes through them no matter what, sometimes seen with attire that has crosses but not always.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Let's go with anything. Kilik probably won't handle being told he's fictional too well, but I'm pretty fond of screwing with him in any way that's available.
Abilities: Okay, I'll give the wikipedia description of what his regalia could do when he had it:
"This Regalia operates on the principles of piezoelectricity to generate electrical potential by applying directional force to the ground via the Regalia's mechanical components. The induced voltage is transmitted along the surface, and synchronizes with the vibrations of an object (ie. the adversary) and effectively incapacitates them."
However, he no longer has the regalia, so he's left fighting on his own. This isn't to say that Kilik is incapable of fighting without AT. Quite the contrary, Kilik is one scary son of a bitch and is actually quite brutal with his attacks. He's fast and blah blah blah zero gravity. He's one of the most powerful figures in the AT world in Air Gear and for a reason; even without his regalia, he maintains this scary image. As it is, he's infinitely LESS powerful without a pair of AT on, though getting a pair would change things. He was the perfect model for a reason. Of the Gravity Children, Spitfire says he's the only one who maintains his enhanced fighting abilities in 1G.
Notes for the Psychics: He thinks. A lot. Kilik is actually a lot more normal in his head than he typically presents himself, so there will probably be a lot of two-sided ways of seeing things. If you really need to point out that he's not thinking what he's saying, please ping me. He does a lot of information gathering, though. A lot. And he really does break things down into numbers.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: I'm up for any silly plots, but please contact me. Anything that makes Kilik's life miserable makes me happy.
Maim/Murder/Death: I don't know how much he's going to make himself available for these, but I imagine he'll figure out how the moogles work pretty much immediately.
Cooking: I can see him being able to cook, clean, and so forth.