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[text] madwashu January 9 2009, 06:41:08 UTC
It's a pleasure to meet you Honey! I am Little Washu! It's always pleasant to make allies in a place like this. It makes things much easier in the long run.


[text] going_to_change January 9 2009, 06:44:43 UTC
Little Washu! That sounds so cute and tiny~ It's nice to meet you too ♥

I agree, having someone to watch your back and visa-versa in a sticky situation is the best way to go. Teamwork can do ten times the amount of work in 10% of the time it takes to do it by yourself~


Re: [text] madwashu January 9 2009, 06:47:48 UTC
Thanks! Most of the time I am small and cute.. just not since coming here, I'm forced to be in my adult form instead of my preferred child form sadly enough.

Oh well... Hm..you do have a point on the team work, however there are only a select few that I've encountered in the nearly a week I've been here that I'd even consider teaming up with.


[text] going_to_change January 9 2009, 06:53:40 UTC
Oh, so you can transform? That must be handy. Are you an android then Little Washu?

Then those are the people who will help you when you need it most! It doesn't just work with totally random people. There has to be a bond, right? But it's always good to give someone a chance too.


Re: [text] madwashu January 9 2009, 06:56:09 UTC
Android? Nope! I'm just a scientific genius. Thats...stuck here. I like to think of it as field work for the most part.

I agree that there has to be a bond for you to completely trust someone to 'have your back' but unfortunately, I dont have that with anyone here as of yet. The onces I do have this.. "bond" with are back where I originated from.


[text] going_to_change January 9 2009, 07:00:30 UTC
A science genius? Really? Um... are you any good at machines?

You don't have any of your friends here? I'm sorry, that's really awful. But you can make friends here, right? I mean, there are a lot of really nice people, even if some of them are a bit eccentric.


Re: [text] madwashu January 9 2009, 07:07:20 UTC
Oh, I'm attempting, of course I'm a little... eccentric myself by some standards.

Good with machines? Of course! Just give me the right tools and I'll either fix it, or work on it till it's fixed... of course, there's always the possibility of it blowing up whatever it is.

Why? Do you need something fixed?


[text] going_to_change January 9 2009, 07:15:15 UTC
I'll definitely be your friend Little Washu! I'm not a super-genius, but I'll help you any time your in trouble and watch your back~ ♥

And don't worry about being eccentric. That's a good thing right? It means you're yourself and no one else in the whole world is like you.

Well, I do have a really neat machine that needs to be fixed, but I can't tell you about on this. It's... sort of secret.


Re: [text] madwashu January 9 2009, 07:17:58 UTC
Hm. I accept your offer of friendship and offer my services where needed!

Oh?Now I'm curious. Very curious. I'd like to take a look at it, assess the problem and then I'll go hunting tools to deal with your problem!


[text] [Honey and Washu? Friends? Discedo should be VERY afraid] going_to_change January 9 2009, 07:24:52 UTC
Friends it is Little Washu~ ♥

I'll show you as soon as I can, but you have to promise to keep it a secret okay? If this sort of thing fell into the wrong hands it would be bad.


Re: [text] [Honey and Washu? Friends? Discedo should be VERY afraid] madwashu January 9 2009, 07:30:04 UTC
Of course! I'm Rather good at keeping secrets. I have a few myself of course. Who doesnt?


[text] going_to_change January 9 2009, 07:33:38 UTC
That's true. I think it would be strange if everyone knew everything about everyone else. Then there wouldn't be any point in getting to know someone!

Oh! Where should I meet you?


Re: [text] madwashu January 9 2009, 07:37:06 UTC
Hm.. Your welcome to come to my apartment if you wish. It isnt anything interesting ..yet. 513 Latimir. Unless there's somewhere else you'd rather go?


[text] going_to_change January 9 2009, 17:21:40 UTC
Latimer? That's a street here right? I'll be over as soon as possible~


Re: [text] madwashu January 9 2009, 18:18:22 UTC
Then you arent far! I look forward to meeting you face to face!


[text] going_to_change January 10 2009, 00:53:45 UTC
Look forward to it too Little Washu!

[ooc: omg log these two?]


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