[Mod Post] Re: Koki Leaving KAT-TUN

Oct 09, 2013 08:36

I'm sure a lot of you already know, but if you don't, I'm sorry to report that Koki's contract with J&A has been terminated as of September 30 and he has left KAT-TUN. ( 1) He has already been removed from any and all official sites regarding the group.

KAT-TUN will continue on as 4nin.

I know there's so much to say, but for now, this is a post regarding how this news affects going_gonin as a community.

Important to note:
• Anything regarding Koki and KAT-TUN as 5nin will continue to be allowed here.

Koki's tag will change to '.ex-member: tanaka'. I still plan to have a birthday post for Koki coming November and the following years after.

At this moment in time, I realize the comm name may be a bit unfortunate, but it will not change. The comm layout, however, will once new images of them as 4nin are released. This community will continue to be a place that supports KAT-TUN.

There are probably many other details I'm overlooking, so please leave a comment or a PM if you have any questions regarding how this news affects going_gonin.

KAT-TUN has found themselves in yet another difficult period, but please try and continue to support them and Koki in whichever way you see fit. Thank you.

Group hug? Yeah, group hug. Come on, bring it in. *hugs*

.x-member: tanaka, !mod post, *news & info

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