Help a Hyphen in fangirl needs?

Apr 06, 2013 23:51

Okay so. My harddrive died way back in December and so I bought a new one... I still haven't given my harddrive to my friend and come to the conclusion that there's a high possibility I won'tget the stuff off it. So this is where you guys come into it.
With you're selfless hearts, could people upload or find links that are working to pretty much every KAT-TUN scans, PV, lives, stage plays (eg. Dream Boys) photos and photosets and pass them onto me?
I know it's a big thing I'm asking and I know this is very obsessive but this who I am. I must have KAT-TUN galore on my laptop xD

More info below:


stage: dream boys, .x-member: tanaka, .member: kamenashi, scans: mag, .member: nakamaru, .member: ueda, .group, .member: taguchi, *requests, scans: others

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