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Comments 9

jisatsu_ganbu August 2 2010, 09:27:22 UTC
I may be wrong, and I haven't checked my DVD yet, but I was under the impression it was "Clear Conscience"? However, like I said, I could be remembering wrong.

The comment about men acting feminine to impress, instead of our social norms of masculinity being impressive, is interesting. I honestly hadn't noticed this - there's a lot of throwing oneself into danger to save someone else, which could arguably be masculine or feminine. I'll have to keep this in mind the next time I watch it!

He also gives her a coat, which in addition to hiding her tattoo, ties her outfit together quite nicely.I adore that coat! I wouldn't have thought that baby blue, raspberry and violet would go together so well ... but it does ( ... )


jisatsu_ganbu August 2 2010, 09:28:13 UTC
Part 2, because apparently LJ hates my long-ass comment. :)

Kathy Bates has some awesomely uncomfortable lines about how she gave birth to and breastfed him
Ugh, I know. The first time I watched it I had to rewind it because I was positive what I heard couldn't possibly be what she said. Alas, it was, and the squick knows no bounds.

This is completely flipped here: not only are the Tweedles clearly having the time of their lives, but Hatter acts like someone who has shut down as much as possible and is focusing what’s left on getting through without talking. Bravo. I buy this happening, and it’s kinky to boot.
Completely agreed. I'm all for SciFi being emotionally realistic, because it seems like it tends to go for grand operatics and then the real-world people get lost in the shuffle.

… punching March in the face.
It's occurred to me that the DVD could have a really hilarious Face-Punch Counting special feature, like the f-bomb counter on Scarface.

but doing so would break the narrative flow, and I would never do that

What ( ... )


going_boldly September 12 2010, 05:40:38 UTC
Thanks for both your comments!

Yeah... conscious was a typo :P

This could just be me, but I think protective instincts are sort of unisex, and less trying to impress someone so much as ensure that the other someone is around to impress, at a later date when there's less of a threat of impending death and doom.

I tend to think that Hearts was a designation for a certain type of government job, much like working in the Home Office or the White Office. I figure the men the King were addressing were the equivalent of Ministers. But this is all conjecture, as they never actually said or did much of anything.

klcthebookworm commented below about what the shadows bit might mean.

Poor Jack. There was no way he was going to come off well, going up against Andrew Lee-Potts with stubble.

Oh God yes. We need someone to do a compilation of face-punching set to the anvil chorus.

Thanks again!


klcthebookworm August 2 2010, 17:35:26 UTC
You are brilliant to the nth power!

Let's start with Jack since he is the prince. One of the comments made by Nick and Caterina Scorsone in the DVD commentary is that he and the Duchess are "trying to do the right thing but have had no role models to follow." So if your theory is right and he imprinted onto Caterpillar as the example of how to be good and just leader, well, is it any wonder just how screwed up he is, especially in the emotions department. (But he tries so hard.)

Alice's time in the Truth Room: I actually went looking for Alice in Wonderland critical theory to explain that damned pig. No luck. But reading through how ineffective you thought it was, now I wish they had A) kept Alice as a ten-year-old throughout the entire thing. B) Since she gets really freaked out about the study (as witnessed by her Cheshire Cat dream sequence and the first thing the twins pounce on), my fanon is that Alice witness Agent White kidnapping her father from the study and they gave her something to forget. But the brain is tricky ( ... )


going_boldly September 12 2010, 05:54:58 UTC
He does try so hard, bless.

It's possible that they were trying to connect Alice's feelings about her father leaving them with the fact that the Duchess in the novels was really spectacularly abusive, which is why Alice (of legend) ended up taking the baby away from her, which is why she was holding it when it turned into a pig. But that's about as stretchy as Mr. Fantastic, so...

That would have been cool to see, but alas. I agree though- being torture with your phobia is a pretty effective way to get the information you're looking for.


thewritingbug August 10 2010, 19:43:36 UTC
I somehow managed to miss this last week. All I can say is WONDERFUL COMMENTARY. The long-dormant psych-sociology part of me loves this and your jokes are hilarious. (Extra points for Lady Gaga jokes. Incidentally, I think there's a picture of her floating around dressed as a man and she makes a really good-looking guy...)

Love your interpretations, love your writing. ^^


going_boldly September 12 2010, 05:55:47 UTC
Thank you!

(There was never any doubt in my mind that Lady Gaga would be smoking hot as Lord Gaga.)


klcthebookworm August 15 2010, 17:40:53 UTC
OH! Have an addition to make about the whole Mad March seeing shadows thing since I watched it again this weekend.

What if Carpenter gave Mad March thermal imaging? If you watched them use it on Ghost Hunters, heat absorbed by environment shows up (leave against a wall, sit in a seat, etc.), and I can see that described as a "shadow" by someone not interested in the scientific terminology.


going_boldly September 12 2010, 05:58:30 UTC
That makes a lot of sense, actually. I think I just got a new point of personal canon.


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