Writing Woes

May 27, 2010 13:21

So, my other story that's rapidly approaching 30,000 words in length is winding down, so I'm beginning to put some thought into my next AU. Barring the sudden comprehension of how NaNoWriMo is even possible, I've also come to the conclusion that I might possibly have some sort of mental disorder, because I'm pretty sure you're supposed to have more control over what you write than I do at this moment. Highlights of the arguments I've had with myself lately include:

Muse: You know, this is going to be a threesome story. Heads up!
Me: ...uh?
Muse: Come on, you've already been reading this Wonderland as the place that birthed Lady Gaga, threesomes shouldn't surprise you.
Me: It's not the idea of a threesome so much as the idea of this threesome. Not only would Jack just be completely squashed by Alice and Hatter, but where does that leave Duchess?
Muse: We could kill her off?
Muse: Okay, forget I mentioned it! Well, she can shack up with the Nine of Clubs.
Me: What where when the how?
Muse: C'mon Gaeta would make a pretty cute Duke, you have to admit.
Me: a) I'm pretty sure that Duchess isn't actually a title that works like that...
Muse: Well, too bad, I already have all this material planned out, complete with snarky dialogue.
Me: Well, shit. I can't resist snarky dialogue.
Muse: Oh, I know, I know...


Muse: Hey, would this be a bad time to come up with another idea?
Me: Not really. I'm sort of archive surfing Wikipedia.
Muse: Great! Because you know how that article you were reading not too long ago said that another derogatory nickname for a royal favorite was "mushroom".
Me: You want me to add that to Caterpillar's background?
Muse: Of course! It's practically a pun!
Me: It's also another threesome.
Muse: Only sort of kind of. Anyway, I was also thinking that you could that you could use that as a part of the divide between Caterpillar and Dodo you were speculating about back when you were still looking at the Dutch Resistance page...
Me: This is going to be another novel, isn't it?
Muse: I know! Isn't it great?
Me: I have original fiction to be working on, you know!
Muse: Ooh, I'll work on that later.


Muse: Hey, you know what would be cool! If Charlie was riding a Jabberwock when they first-
Muse: Isn't that what I'm doing?

This isn't normal. Neither is finishing large epics like this, for me, but is this really the price people pay for finishing their work?

syfy's alice, author's notes

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