Today was super boring ; just about fell asleep in almost all my classes. & even though i didn't go to school yesterday, there wasn't too much homework.. but i do have a world geography test tomorrow =( i really need to study ..
spanish ;;
played like 2 games
geometry ;;
still don't understand what we're doing. slept =)
english ;;
just talked about this story i didn't even read. slept =)
web page design ;;
we're just starting our test, & i'm really confused & have no idea what i'm doing
biology ;;
took notes ; like always & did a worksheet
world geo. ;;
played around the world for our review game. i moved a whole like 2 desks =)
art ;;
we're doing some kind of surreal drawing.. not really sure though since mrs kruggel never even explained it to me :|
Me & Haley were going to hang out with Mitch & David tonight, but she has church later & she can't do anything before it .. so that sucks. But David keeps calling & sayin` me and Haley are bringing him & Mitch to a movie .. it's getting super annoying.
* my school picture =)