Jul 05, 2005 09:27
So i relize it's been forever since i wrote in here. To tell you the truth, i've really had no reason to write anything. I don't know if it's because i'm lazy, or if i just don't care about LJ anymore. Either way here's a little update...
I'm working pretty much full time at no frills now. I say pretty much full time cause i get 40+ hours a week but it's not monday to friday, i usually work weekends and some nights. It's great though, i'm making assloads of money so i won't be broke when school comes around. I work with kick ass people... except for slow-ass gary, the bosses son. It's not the most extragant job, but i like it too much to leave.
I've seen pretty much only my close friends from school and from stouffville. I see Cam once or twice a month to play poker or go to the casino or something along those lines. I see Kimm a bunch too, but not so much lately cause we've both been super busy. I've seen james like almost every weekend. He usually ends up being my drinking/bar buddy. he's lives downtown too, so it makes it alot eaiser to stumble home. Allicia has become one of my closest friends. To tell you the truth, I didn't really expect it, but spending alot of time with her made me realize that she's an awesome person who genuinely cares for me back. She's at camp for pretty much the rest of summer so i probably won't see her alot. How can best describe sam and lori... i'll use a quote from coach carter.. "they're like a solar eclipse, we rarely see them but when we do it's always special". i hardly ever get to see them cause sam's busy with her boyfriend and work, and lori's just being the lori i love, lol. I wish i coulod see them more. I haven't seen erika in forever, but i wrote her an email so she knows how i feel.
I love being 19. Bars are fun. You can fill in the rest. I also go to the casino on a fairly regular basis, the scary part is that i usually win. Last time i lost though so i'm not as cocky now.
anyways, that's a little bit about what's going on with me. in case you haven't figured it out, i'm not gonna write in here too much anymore. not enough people actually read this for me to make it a priority. anyways, hope everybody has an awesome summer and comment bitches.