Title: Five Slush Puppie Flavors
silverlunarstarCharacters/Pairings: 9/Rose, 10/Rose, Jackie Tyler, Adam Mitchell, Suki, Cathica
Rating: G
Genre: Humor/Romance
Warnings/Spoilers: The Long Game (1x07) and Fear Her (2x11).
Words: 529
Series: None
Status: Completed
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership.
Summary: One-shot. Rose thought she knew her favorite flavor until she tasted one she'd never had on a certain Doctor.
Author's Note: ...This was not what I had in mind when I was determined to write a ‘5 Times’ fic. In no way did I set out to write three of them. Well, it could have been worse. It could have been five... XD I totally blame the amazing picture prompts, of which #4 was the inspiration here. This is my third, and final, entry for challenge 89 of the
then_theres_us community.
There's a flavor for everyone.