With all the excitement of the past week, and what's sure to be a lot of excitement for tonight's episode, we have a sensitive subject that needs to be addressed.
It's come to our attention that folks are getting a little careless with the sharing of squee and are spoiling some of their fellow fans. We'd like to ask that you be respectful enough to allow them to enjoy the episodes unspoiled the way everyone else did.
What are spoilers? Spoilers are images (icons/graphics/art/screencaps) or text (fic/meta/quotes) referencing an episode that may have already aired in the UK but not in other places like the US. This includes quotes and images from Confidentials and other sources. They have the ability to simultaneously give too much information away and tick off other members in 0.2 seconds.
Knowing the "sell by" date on a spoiler is a tricky thing. Your best bet is to be safe rather than sorry and use lj-cuts and clear warnings. Things like icon/graphics previews/teasers are fine, as long as they are fairly generic and do not give away any part of the story, including surprise guest characters. Same goes for fanfic headers and any other types of posts.
We ask that you use good judgment, and when in doubt: CUT! :D Don't know how to make an lj-cut?
Find out here. If you are still unsure, you can always contact the mods with specific questions at either our
Dear Moddy post or at
Thanks for being so understanding!