Mar 13, 2005 00:45
hey.. well today was kinda a boring day.. i woke up with a bad headache this morning but then it got better.. umm then i went out to eat at friendly's.. it was yummy n then i ended up goin with my aunt to my moms house n then to my uncles house so yea i just drove around.. it was good to get outta the house though.. then i came home n talked to amber on the computer.. n we were tryin to make plans but then they got ruined so she just came over my house n we were sooo hyper b4 n we were listenin to backstreet boyz and like all this old music.. lol we r sooo kool <3 well yea then we ate a bunch of candy n got moreeeee hyper lol .. well yea i think thats it for tonight.. now were just sittin here chillen n on the phonie with aj :-)..
hmm well we dont know whats goin on for tomorrow cuz all these ppl keep changing their minds.. but yea.. of nething interesting happens.. ill update..
<3 Maria