QAF Recs Post #24

Jun 05, 2014 15:36

1)   For Richer or For Poorer by Galeandrandy (80,481 words/16 parts): [AU: BJ Meet Different Way From Canon/JT is a Hustler in Chicago & BK Hires Him/BJ Stranded Together in Hotel Due to Weather/JT Owes Money Or He’ll Go to Jail/JT Pretends to be BK’s Fiancé to Help BK Land a Client/BJ Get Married/BK’s Friends Know Marriage is Fake/BJ Go to Pitts & Live at Loft Together/JT Reunites With Family/JT Falls in Love With BK/BJ Marry For Real]

2)   Hell Week by Mickiebg (39,918 words/16 chapters): [Post-Season 5: Linds & Mel Stuck in Pitts So BJ Go To Canada/Gus In Football Camp in Canada/BJ Meet Parents of Gus’s Teammates/One Mother Tries to Seduce BK, He Turns Her Down, & She Goes Crazy Committing Arson/Gus Has First Girlfriend]

3)   Forbidden Love by Draccone (127,832 words/29 chapters): [AU: BJ Meet Different Way From Canon/BK Dating Michael/JT is BK’s New Neighbor/BJ Secretly See Each Other/JT Helps Take Care of His Younger Brother - Evan/BK Dumps Michael/BJ Secretly Marry/Michael Attempts Suicide/JT Shot & Temporarily Paralyzed/Jealous Michael/Michael Starts Dating Ben/JT Recovers]

4)   Livin’ on a Prayer by Lupin111 (56,695 words/24 chapters): [AU: BJ Meet Different Way From Canon/BJ Went To High School Together in Georgia/JT Was in Love With BK/BK Fucked JT in High School & Then Ditched Him/BJ Run Into Each Other 10 Years Later in Pitts/BK Doesn’t Recognize JT & Bets Friends He Can Sleep With JT/BK Finds Out JT Was Bashed By Their HS Classmate, Chris Hobbes/JT Calls Cody to Help Him Frame Kip/JT Tells BK He Loves Him]

5)   Broken Angel by Moonshadow Woman (38,507 words/7 chapters): [Circa Season 2: JT Bashed & Seems Catatonic Due to Brain Injury/BK Becomes JT’s Guardian & Takes Care of Him/BK Hires JT’s Old Neighbor To Help Care For Him/Anti-Gang/BK Buys Country House & Moves in With JT/JT Recovers/The Gang Thinks JT Is Mentally Incapacitated & That BK’s Sleeping With Him/BJ Become Domestic Partners/The Gang Tells Tabloid BK’s Taking Advantage of JT/BK Fired & His Reputation’s Ruined/BJ Sue Magazine & BK’s Boss/BK Files For Partial Custody of Gus/BK Has Daughter With Cynthia, JT Has Son With Daphne, & BJ Adopt Kids/BK Cuts Off All Contact With The Gang]

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