It's raining in Alabama

Aug 04, 2011 11:56

“Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.”

Yep the old song says a mouthful with just a few words. If you are like most people some days you just feel a little down. However, some of the people in the world have more than just a case of the blahs, they suffer from depression.

I have been taking anti-depressant medications since 1998. If I don’t take my meds I am useless. I won’t get out of bed and I really don’t care if I live or die. Depression is a treatable illness caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. It is not something to be ashamed of nor should it carry the stigma that you are crazy. You are not crazy your brain chemistry just works differently than someone else.

However, depression has a major link with obesity. Many children are taught from a young age to associate food with happiness. You scraped your knee, have a cookie you’ll feel better. That is what comfort food is all about. When you are down most people eat. I know I do. I’m a self confessed stress eater. When I’m stressed my stomach feels like there is an alligator eating me from the inside out.

Don’t fall into that trap. If you find yourself craving food ask yourself a few simple questions.

1.  Am I hungry? Most people snack because they are bored. If you are hungry your stomach will tell you.

2.  Do I really want a whole chocolate bar? I have found that low calorie fudge pops are awesome. I eat the no sugar added ones and they have about 40 calories and calm the chocolate craving

3.  Am I really just thirsty? Dehydration can trigger hunger craving when all your body really needs is a good glass of cold water. Try drinking a glass of water before you eat that bag of chips.

4.  Is this boredom talking? If you are really bored get out and take a quick stroll that will get the blood pumping and quell that hunger.

Remember no one is responsible for you but YOU! Make it happen. If you are not happy with where you are change it. Don’t wait until Monday, or next week, do it now. Start with the next thing that goes in your mouth. I keep a picture of me when I was 100 pounds heavier hanging over my desk. It keeps me motivated.

“Winners Are People Like You”

Winners take chances.

They fear failing, but they don’t give up.

When life gets rough, they hang in until the going gets better.

Winners know that they are not perfect.

They respect their weaknesses, while making the most of their strengths.

Winners fall, but they don’t stay down.

Winners are positive thinkers who see good in all things.

From the ordinary, they make the extraordinary.

Winners believe in the path they have chosen,

Even when it is hard,

Even when others can’t see where they are going.

You are your own greatest asset.

There is nothing you cannot do.

Winners are people like you.

Always believe in yourself and your goals and never give up.

Nancye Sims

“It’s not the will to win but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference.”

Paul “Bear” Bryant.

Are you a winner? I think you are. You just don’t know it yet.


Go Hard or Go Home

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