My Haunting

Sep 22, 2006 02:51

Ever had a day that haunts you years later?
A day where you feel that if you had just done one thing differently
Just one simple thing, things would have turned out differently.
Then you begin to look back on your life, and continue to dig deeper and deeper
Further and further into your past, going over various scenarios over and over in your head.
You continue to think about them while staring at your ceiling at night, unable to sleep.
Despite the sleeping pills, or drowsy medicine you take, you're still unable to shut your brain down.
It continues to bring up your memories that you wish you could just forget and put behind you.
Then, when you finally are able to sleep, you dream of that day ... that one day.
That day where you could have changed something, done something different.
Maybe acted different, said something different, did something different. Things would BE different.
It starts off with one memory, then two. Would time travel be an option?
Soon, you turn to your clock which reads four in the morning.
You turn back to that dreadful white spiraling ceiling above you.
The darkness doesn't cloud your vision of that dreadful ceiling whatsoever.
The moment you close your eyes, the flashing image erupts in your brain.
You flinch as if physically hit and immediatly open your eyes.
That fucking ceiling is still there, laughing at you. Laughing at your attempts to sleep.
No matter what you do, you can never change what you've done, or what you haven't done.
You can never change the past no matter how hard you try.

If only I can bring myself to believe this concept ... maybe I can sleep once and a while.