Sep 10, 2007 22:29
Well, after a weekend of being molested by ever man,woman,child, and asian to have set foot upon the Plaza Del Sol at CSUN during this period I feel pretty accomplished. The L and Misa costumes went swimmingly even though I didn't even plan on the Misa one. Anyway, I'm pretty exhausted and psyched for more cons, really. I just need a job, and the skill of sewing. Damn. I also need a job to go visit that wonderful boyfriend of mine who so lovingly came up here over the weekend to go to the con with me and just be a completely adorable dork with me the entire time. We got all fangirl over a Near cosplayer and made plans to kidnap her and then made future plans to go as Near and Mello to whatever con we can both attend next. Yeah, that's a slash fanfic waiting to happen. Basically Josh and I will be the best cosplaying couple ever. Mwahahahahaha. Aside from like...the actually good ones like Bri and Eric. Nonetheless I totally adore that Josh Covey kid to pieces...probably more than I should,actually. We all know what happens when little old me gets touchy feely with boys. They tend to run away. Wellllllll hopefully Rin-Chan's luck has changed for the better with this one.^_^
death note,