Jul 11, 2004 22:06
my first year at bhasvic has finished. its official.
altho it hasnt just suddenly hit me like a normal end of term... the past few unnecessary weeks have acted as a bit of a slur to the end of this skool year, dragging on without meaning. oh well, skools over, for the summer anyway. but heres the best bit........ maths is over....FOREVER. how gd.
friday had a night in at sophies. that is beginning to be one of my favourite things now. i mean she has olive bread....and artichokes!
she will be going on a double holiday soon... well she will be back for a couple days in between, but still.... :(
ah well, barcelona isn't a bad short term distraction. i have just realised i leave in like 2 days....
saturday went into town with rob for holiday stuff. got some shorts. blunt.
in the evening rob stayed at mine.sport relief. champ. ali g. virtua tennis. the office.
today i have had a nothing day and liked it. woke up late cos i could. didnt have my daily "wake up" shower until like 5pm. i love no college.
damien my cousin is round at the moment. he likes computer games. so we have done that for a while. but it gets boring. so i watched big brother. yeah.
seeing sophie tmoro before we part company for a few weeks. sigh. missmiss.
it will be so good when we both are back tho. cos infront of us will be the whoooolllle summer.
ok ill stop now.
actually wow. its the summer holidays. its just sunk in. i like it.