Apr 29, 2005 13:56
so mike is suppose to be here helping me pack and move to new york. i'm here all alone. sleeping on the floor because i have no other form of bed . all furniture is out. mike went to san diego to visit his granny and get our stuff packed and bring it back to new york.
i called him on the day he was going to los angeles. and he was mean. he was complaining on how "oh my god its raning and blha lbha blha and i'm dragging YOUR stuff around"
honestly he had no reason to go to LA. why? he told me he was doing it to take his ccar there. oh yeah? they why did he take the fucking grayhound. he just wnated to get drunk and party when i'm the one stuck in shithole usa hving people come in the morning and waking me up telling me to vacate the premises becuase the lock smith is comming to change the locks.
what kind of life am i leading? i'm just going to give it one more shot. because this morning i tried calling him becusae this girl came so early telling me i had ot leave no exceptions. what am i suppose to do? does mike care? no. he doenst answer his phone beucsae he was drinking and sleeping.
i finally get ahold of him 2 my time. and its too ltae for him to take the 12;pm plane. so now what. he's calling me annoying and whining beucase i'm pissed that he is giving a shit about me or about his mom thaat we're stuck here fucked. mostly I am fucked becuase i need to get to that apartment in nyc and sign my lease papers. im just so sick and tired of this bullshit game he's trying to pull with me.
this is our fight all the time
he says something stupid that pisses me off
i threaten him
he doesnt care
i threaten him
he calls me annoying and whatever else names he can think of
then i just give up
well here's what i'm going to do MIKE
next time this happens. i'm givign it. maybe two more times. becuase i care about him. a little less then anything. but if he fucks with me again. makes me feel like shit again. FUCKING PULLS ANY BULLSHIT ON ME AGAIN. i'm going to dump him and kick him to the curb.
i bet if i asked anyone of my friends in LA they'd tell me to just get rid of him
and my mom says
yeah thats going to end up happening if he keeps treating me this way. i dont deserve it. i'm so nice. and he's just a pig
he doesnt do the dishes he doesnt clean the bathroom he doesnt clean any room. or sweep or mop. he doesnt buyfood wait. he has no money.
he has no job omg.
he's a slob.
i cant play video games when i want to because to HIM not to me but to HIM its a nuissance. but do i care? no i dont care. to me he's just a fucking snake in the grass. i hope he reads this because i dont care anymore.
i'm not going to end up like poor old holly.
driven to insanity by his petty acts of evil .
honestly. i can afford 1100 on my own. i can get a roomate in the future. michellle or stella. doesnt matter. i'll hvae someone. and i am getting a job. and my parents support me 100%
i feel bad. i never write anything nice or happy or fun anymore. i just write about negative old mike nad myslef and fighting.
i remember when i never had problems like this with any boy. in fact. i'd be the one using a boy or not caring about him that much but this guy. THIS GUY GIVES ME A HEADACHE.
he has so much hair also. that when i wkae up in the morning i have to pull his little italian monkey hairs out of my mouth. gross right? yes. thats why the place we move to will constantly need to be swept up. ugh
read this mike because you better fucking shape up or just move back to san diego or move in with your mom little mommmas boy. because i'm not taking your shit anymore.