Jul 20, 2010 01:46
I learned some things about myself this weekend. Such as: I fucking hate throwing parties, don't let people you don't know into said parties, and if you are kicking my friend of seven years in the head while he lays on the ground unconscious, I will hit you in the head with a log as hard as I can several times, until you stop. Yep. I wasn't expecting that from me, either. But when I saw Jake on the ground all bloody something kicked in my head and I went into crazy "This is my house, and you get the fuck out now!!!!" mode. I fucked a guy up. Heh. It's still weird. And I don't condone violence. Definitely a pacifist. Not okay at all. Unless it's extreme circumstances. He's fine, by the way. In case anyone is actually seeing this. Doubtful, but I like that I can actually put things like this up here (as opposed to facebook) and still have relative privacy. Oh yeah, third thing... (separate day's experience, though) hash is just boring and makes me sleepy.
So yeah, Jared's birthday party at my house went horribly awry. Obviously. Fucking actors.