This is not about football.

May 26, 2009 10:53

It's about me and here.
The late President Roh Moo-hyun suicided at 23rd. May. 2009.
(Yep, this was my BIRTHDAY. I'll remember him until i die.)

I'm very, deeply ashamed what is happened and let happen.

And you can read some comment at this article
[zbd**   (24.168.*******)   05-26-2009 08:01 A perfect opportunity for President Lee to arrest all the remaining members of the Roh family and put them in jail like he wants.]

This is real here.

And in time, North korea did Nuclear test!
What a joke!!
We did not care! i did not care about shitty things!
We almost lose our freedom of assembly and speech now!!
Yes, we are in the 21st century. But President Lee isn't.
Bloody hell!!

I want to live my life in a democracy!!
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