Mar 13, 2007 15:40
Mostly I hate you because you're where I want to be
and you left me here
where everything even the seasons remind me of you
even turning on my air conditioning
and the fact that people never stop asking me what happened to you and I
that almost every day I have to recite our tragedy
I hate you because I know you're having fun
I'm having fun too
but youre living the life I wish I was living
You're free
Most of me really does wish that I'd never met you and fallen for you
because then I wouldn't feel so much resentment and hate
but then that little bit of me
that little bit
that can't help but smile when Bomb the Music Industry comes on
misses you
but are you even that person anymore?
I'm doubting that now
my friends think youre scum and I wish I did too.
I know now that I wont talk to you for some time.
Months, perhaps years.
But if you're reading this,
which I doubt you are,
I hope that you can see I still care about you
even under the hard shell I've grown
even though I wish so much that I didn't
even though you don't care about me
I still do.
So goodbye for now.
See you when we're grown.
Sublime is the only thing I can listen to now. This summer is going to be the hottest summer ever.