"Brevity" is not a word one would use to describe the gogo...especially not in relation to her fics or writing in general.
The only time gogo can be short, sweet, and snappy with her writing is when
gogodgene is waiting for gogo to frickin' finish. And even then, gogod usually ends up waiting for quite some time. (gogod has the patience of a Kuchiki. Really, she does...). Chapters and one-offs can take gogo a month or more to write, but scenes... Scenes are fun. Scenes allow gogo to be as fussy and picky and detailed as she needs to be, without the worry of "omg, I am never, ever going to get this fic finished if I keep writing 2000 words every time I touch the computer..." (Hello, Ways of Binding~)
So, when
day_eight mentioned the new claims/prompts community,
50scenes, gogo was like "Hell, fuckin' yeah, bitchez. Sign gogo up yesterday." And, thus, it came to be. Just like that. Woot~
Gogo is in the thick of writing so many pairings right now, that it seemed best to focus on just one character. So who did gogo claim? HA! Will give ya'll three guesses...(doubt you'll be needing more than one).
Yes, yes, the Kuchiki has been a permanent resident in the gogo's head for going on 8 months now (You should hear him when we go shopping. He's all like, "Prada or nada, gogo." Seriously! Would gogo lie about such things?). With everything that's been going on lately, it'll be nice to give the main man some quality time~ That's not to say that Renji won't be featured in any of these scenes, just that the focus is on Bya--and Bya alone.
Well, for that claim, anyway... The 50 prompts, as posted below, should prove most interesting. Even better, many of gogo's good friends from
bleach_beats have claimed characters and/or pairings as well. Can't wait to read the captivating scenes that are generated from these fabulously talented writers. xoxo
Bya's Prompts:
That said, gogo & gogod did claim a pairing at
50scenes as well. Gogod's fangirls will rejoince that she's writing Grimmie again. And anyone who knows gogo will probably scratch their head and go "WTF?" Yes, this pairing is cross-fandom. Yes, it's quite random. But no Bleach or DMC fangirl can deny the "oh, please, just fuck me now!" hotness that is Grimm x Dante ~ Dante x Grimm. (LOL, WHUT?!?)
There's a story behind this smoking hot crack!pairing, of course. It all started when gogo was in the UK recently visiting
kaphinated and
ratherbe4gotten. Anyway, the story deserves to be told, in another post, with pictures and details from that fucking wicked weekend with the girls~ Look for that post later tonight or tomorrow... FYI, Grimm x Dante ~ Dante x Grimm wil be posted with gogo & gogod's other cowrites at