OMG, more snarky, sexy fic from 'the gogos'~

Oct 04, 2007 07:43

Shirosaki x Byakuya // Saturate // Part 2: Pressure Point
Pairing: Byakuya / Shirosaki ~ Shirosaki / Byakuya
Series: Saturate 
Chapter Title: Pressure Point 
gogochan &
Rating: PG-15
Written for:
Prompt: #6, Curiosity
Disclaimer: Bleach (c) Kubo Tite.
Summary: A tug-of-war featuring swagger, threats, and sarcasm leads to a rather tense worker/employer relationship.

A/N: AU storyline taking place in Miami. The pairing may seem wtf, but trust us, it'll all make sense...

Part 2: (  We wouldn't want any bad water under the bridge, now, would we? )

Link to Saturate // Part 1

(Location: The Kuchiki villa)

(P.S. gogo & gogodgene have so many writing projects together that we decided to create a co-writing journal. hence,
allxthingsxgo. Isn't it shiny and pretty? look for it to be updated with the bulk of our co-writes and the links to our fave rp logs very soon~)

shirosaki, byakuya, au, all things go, co-write, saturate, yaoi, bleach, angst

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