"come look at this lolz thread on CAPSLOCK"
gogodgene says...
so, of course, gogo does. and sure, it's lolz. oops, gogo means, LOLZ.
and gogo, without really thinking, responds. in lower case. because, gogo LIKES lower case and...
as stated previously...wasn't thinking.
and zoooomg... ONOES and then some... gogo= DORK!FAIL and will do the penance, no problem (already posted two crack-a-licious pics). being a CRACK!WHORE is lolz and fun and made of win... especially with some of the cracktastic images gogo has commandeered from various sites.
and while gogo was perusing the CAPSLOCK comments, she saw this posted at the very top:
plus, strolling through gogo's fine collection of crack! reconnected her to this:
gogo & gogodgene are going to HAVE to write this because: 1. um, it's HAWT. 2. WTF NOT? and 3. it's all gogod's fault!
sooo.... YES PLZ DO WANT NAO!!!!!!!
(srsly, gogod. would even forego a night of Bya x Ren for this cracktasticness.)
((plus, grimm has a fucking MULLET in this pic. it DEMANDS verbage, ne??))