Title: Doctor Who’s End Game - Epilogue - There and Back Again
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, The Doctor (10), OFC, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Benton
Parings: Jack/Ianto
Disclaimer: Neither Torchwood or Doctor Who are mine
Summary: The Rani wants revenge
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG-13
A/N: This is a sequel to
Doctor Who’s Nightmares Prologue here ‘I don’t understand Doctor… how can you mess with this “Space, Time Continuum,” and we can’t? I mean… you said yourself there are no more Time Lords except you and the wandering Rani, it seems. The Time Police are no more.’
The Doctor smiled and nodded. He’d been asked that particular question a number of times and there was only on answer. Taking a mouthful from his half pint of John Smiths, he avoided the barman’s eye in case he recognised him from the previous week’s expulsion.
‘Time is not a solid object with a beginning and an end. There are fixed and fluid points in time. Major events, or those causing major events, either large or small, are fixed. Fluid events could be classed as… open to interpretation. I usually cruise around that area… open to interpretation.’ Louise smiled and, checking that Jack and Ianto were still at the bar, removed a handful of twenty pence pieces and turned towards the Jukebox.
‘But who are you really Doctor? Now your people have gone, what motivates you to keep going yourself?’ The Doctor nodded as he sipped his half.
‘I am because of where I’ve been and what I’ve been through. Your past, no matter how bad it was, shapes and creates you making you who you are. Any changes that you make to your own time line have cataclysmic effects on who you are, subsequently making you someone else, and besides… I can do anything I want… I’m brilliant. I once grew my own hand back… beat that.’
Turning back to the Jukebox with a smile of one who has drank only half way to her limit, she fed in another handful of coins and waited for Jack and Ianto’s return. She could see that they were just getting served and would be back soon.
Benton and Barrett both sat in one corner with other UNIT members and, as a surprise for all concerned, they were joined by the Brigadier who, after a few glasses of Glenmorangie single malt, regaled his audience with tales of Yetis in the London Underground and dinosaurs roaming about on the city streets.
Listening in, the Doctor smiled as with each glass the recollections grew in danger and daring. Then with a jolt the Doctor realised that the Brigadier wasn’t exaggerating. All the events that he was talking about did happen and in the way he told them. He hadn’t realised that they had been that dangerous to the humans involved until he sat back and paid attention to the way they perceived them.
Putting a hand into his suit pocket, just as Banned from Argo began playing, the Doctor produced a small silver key and placed it on the table next to Louise Ruth’s pint.
‘You never once asked me to go into the past to change any part of your life. You never used me for your own gain and even the things you’ve acquired were won honestly.’ Louise Ruth smiled as she looked down at the key.
‘If you call lifting a set of night vision goggles from a dead Ogron “honestly”… then yes, all were acquired honestly.’
Placing an extended forefinger onto the key he pushed it towards her. ‘Don’t wear it on your neck when you go to the bar, whatever you do. It has a sort of low level perception filter. The barman will never see that you’re there.’
Taking the key, Louise Ruth placed it in the depths of her shoulder bag with a smile. She now had a key to the TARDIS and full access to the Doctor’s wonderful library.
Jack and Ianto both sat next to her, Ianto staring in mock anger as the chorus from Banned form Argo rang out. Reluctantly Ianto placed a pint of Stella Artois in front of her.
‘Ianto… you’re a life saver,’ Louise Ruth said as she took hold of the pint and drank deeply.
‘My life was once saved by showing my teeth,’ the Doctor added as he took a sip from his glass. Jack looked at him and remembered the time they’d been chased at the end of the universe. They’d had to show the guard their teeth before he would let them into the relative safety of the compound.
‘Them teeth, Doctor… they send a shiver up my spine,’ Jack added grimacing at the memory.
As Louise Ruth stood, heading for the toilet both Jack and Ianto stood and began to sing along with the Jukebox. The Doctor also stood, followed by Benton, Barrett and the rest of the UNIT soldiers. Thinking that this was part of the ambience of the place other patrons stood and sang as she ducked into the ladies.
‘Our crew is Starfleet's finest and our record is our pride, and when we play we tend to leave a trail a mile wide. We're sorry 'bout the wreckage and the riots and the fuss. At least we're sure that planet won't be quick forgetting us’
By the time the chorus began the entire Angel public house, including the barman sang along.
‘And we're banned from Argo every one, banned from Argo just for having a little fun. We spent a jolly shore leave there for just three days or four, but Argo doesn't want us anymore. Wonder why’
With a smile that burst into laughter Louise Ruth headed towards the stalls. Stopping, she realised that something was wrong instantly. The alcohol hadn’t blurred her memory so much that she’d forgotten how many stalls there were in the ladies room. The extra stall stood, large as life and just as confusing, against the back wall and as the door opened Louise Ruth was frozen to the spot.
Reaching for Ianto’s stun gun, she was beaten to it by steel-like hands that grasped hold of hers. A second pair of hands grabbed her around the waist from behind and carried her to the open stall. Looking into the wolf-like eyes of the man holding her waist, she tried to struggle but it was too late. The female dragged her and almost pushed her bodily into the open stall. Falling onto her hands and knees she looked up at a smiling face that was so far away from humour that it could never have been mistaken as kind.
‘Welcome to my TARDIS Louise Ruth,’ the Rani said as she activated the controls.
Ending - Welcome to my TARDIS #1 (contains blood and OFC death) /
Ending - Welcome to my TARDIS #2 (contains blood)