i hate the rain..

Jun 24, 2008 13:44

I only like the rain on days when there's someone I can just cuddle with and watch movies all day. But lately, I hate the rain. It's so goddamn depressing. I have work in an hour and I don't want to go. Valley has screwed me over again and given me the grocery shift hours. I fucking hate him sometimes--well most of the time.

It was tequila night last night at Liz, Keith and Seamus' house. I think I did too many shots in such little time that I passed out! LoL Woke up at 4AM...everyone was still up pretty much...but it sucked cause I really wanted to stay up and party with everyone. Jose knocked me on my ass! HA! I think it was also cause I had just came from the gym and worked up a good sweat...the "magic" didn't even kick in til like 4AM, when I woke up. I was fine then! :-( I think if we do that again, I should take it BEFORE I start drinking. Give it time to sink it. I think someone (I won't name names) took pretty much a good portion of my cigarette's right from my purse without asking. How fucked up is that!? I'm sure I won't really find out who...but I have a pretty good idea.

It's movie night tonight...going to see "Get Smart". Steve Carrel is awesome, so it should be really good. At least, I'm hoping. :-) Then we'll see how the rest of the night plays out. Hopefully that'll be really good as well.

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