gogo85's Halloween party:
__shade__ didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
angelpsalm dressed as a reciprocal pixie.
boboesangel dressed as a zombie.
demoniac dressed as a outfielder for the Royals.
evaleastaristev dressed as the Vicount of Red Birch.
freakachu1974 didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
freakachu1974 dressed as a Level 14 barbarian.
freakachu dressed as a fullback for the Rams.
freakachu gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as your sister.
haust dressed as a satisfaction.
ice_dragon dressed as a new superhero: Micro- Beetle.
kaotik_kitty420 dressed as a civilization.
kaotik_kitty420 dressed as a interrim network administrator.
lexcoyote dressed as someone called "Misty Holifield", but you've never heard of them before.
lt_howitzer dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Drunken Destroyer.
momymelmo dressed as a O'Neil & Haffner Real Estate, Corp. employee.
moorecat dressed as a pirate.
musicman04 dressed as the Duke of Fluoid.
nambroth dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Buttercup Liverhonker".
nani_ka dressed as Chekov from "Star Trek".
naza_goth dressed as Warren G. Harding.
neondragon dressed as something lime, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
purplestain didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
purplestain dressed as Bugs Bunny.
silencecreation dressed as a bottle of Protooid.
stryal dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Princess's Wrath.
stryal dressed as a rat.
three_of_swords dressed as a llama.
veganmasochist dressed as Thomas Jefferson.
z_glowbug dressed as Anna Kournikova.
Throw your own party at the
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