May 17, 2004 01:43
well I just got out of a really really bad relationship with a guy who wanted to conrtol/change me, he also didnt want me to have male friends which I just couldn't deal with, he also ripped me down yonder, gave me bruses and a scar on my lower back, and he says it's all my fault that I hurt him by telling people what he did, I mean the 2 times he spent the night he had to have everything his way or no way and he got mad that in MY house I watched what I wanted, went to my room when I wanted and listened to what I wanted, I also couldnt eat what I wanted cause he didnt like it....I dont give a flying rats ass, I'm my own person I do what I want when I want, now I'm with a GREAT guy who listens to me and helps me and really does love/care about me, I'm so happy, he helped me get out of the bad sistuation with my ex, seeing as I started dating guy 2 before I broke up with guy 1....anyway I'm still looking for a job, and hoping I get one soon, other then that not much news....other then I'm medacated...the docs put me on happy pills...Zoloft!!!! yeah me