Nov 23, 2006 19:15
so tomorrow is Adbusters annual Buy Nothing day. it is a world-wide anti-consumerist idea that has been going on since the early 90's, designed to spark our consciousness as to what we're buying and from who and the effects. basically, to remind us that we're all just whores at the capitalist gang-bang.
it's hard to really say how effective it is, it may just be another "preaching to the converted" ordeal. like if someone makes a brilliant point about a religion, everyone who's not fundamentalist will agree or laugh and those who are, will say you're going to hell. nothing changes. but i always take part simply because it's something i feel strongly about.
the funny part this year is that i'm going to be buying a new computer, and Mac is having a big one day sale....tomorrow. i'll have to pass.