The painter, himself ... {profile} RoryC ::
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=3532299--> In particular, check-out his photo selection, to get a peek at some of his really spectacular art works! In addition to his own creative passions, Rory teaches in the Art Dept. at UNM, the University of New Mexico.
Why the irony?
'Cause I met him in a summer program at RIT, when we were pre-teen kiddos (although, I don't actually really remember him at this)... Then we were later in a regional high school program for a Video Internship class, where I ended-up incorporating his medallion necklace into my main novel work... and had a HUGE crush on him... then lost track of him for yeeeears ... and THEN - literally weeks after moving home from NM to PA, I connect with him again via MySpace {Fall 2005}.
... And now that we're actually good friends, but geographically distant, I come to find out that Rory lived in the same state, the same city, the same quadrant, the same neighborhood, of ABQ, as I had for 3 months while in NM. :P
AAACK. Abso-flippin'-ridiculous.
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&saddr=2717+rhode+Island+St+NE,+Albuquerque,+NM+87110&daddr=1427+Vassar+Dr+NE,+Albuquerque,+NM+87106&ie=UTF8&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=72.233562,91.933594&z=13&om=1 THAT'S HOW CLOSE I LIVED TO RORY when I lived in ABQ, NM in Summer 2005. I could have WALKED from my house on Rhode Island St. omg. Just... don't even get me started... lolol.
What now?
But now it gives me an excuse to visit NM again sometime, actually have a very relaxed & touristy time, and enjoy some really great artwork ;D
Oh. And Flying Star. Omg, I miss Flying Star. It's like... if Starbucks discovered a box of beautiful paint colors, threw them everywhere, got some great Interior & Industrial & Graphic Designers, and then was taken-over by space-aliens who decided they wanted really good food & drinks in New Mexico.... Yeah. That would be Flying Star.
"You're never far from a Flying Star!" .... yeah, unless you live on the EAST COAST. grrrr.
Discover the fun of which I speak ::
http://www.flyingstarcafe.com/locations.htm Cheers to positivity, and learning something from everything that happens in Life.