Oct 02, 2007 14:59

So the freaky thunder continues and a whole bunch of people have vanished now.

Just when you think you're getting used to this place...

Doctor's gone, figure's they'd send away one of the fun people in this place.

[Private to self // hackable to AU!Mello and OU!Matt]]
He's still here though, so long as they don't send him back... don't think I could stand it if they did. Especially after those nightmares...

[Private to self // Unhackable]]
There's a new Mello here, it odd, he acts more like the one I left behind in my world, but still different. Even if he's not the one I care about, he's still my friend... my Mello dislikes him already, guess its not surprising.

au: mello, ou: doctor, disappearances, thunder, ou: mello

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